Selasa, 22 November 2005

Strange But True.....

Sometimes the news is so weird that it's almost funny.....

General Motors CEO, Richard Wagner today announced that needed "strong medicine" to cut 30,000 jobs at G.M was vital to the company's future survival. But so far Wagner hasn't yet joined this sacrifice. In 2002, when Wagner took over from G.M. CEO, Charles E.Wilson, one of Wagner's priorities was to boost his salary to $8.5 million with benefits from the $652,156 that Wilson received.

In South Korea, executives nearly ruined Hyundai by using the company as their personal piggybank. In the U.S. some executives do nearly the same by excessive salaries and benefits that sap stockholder investment and profits and can cause the loss of jobs or hurt company finances.

The $8.5 million dollar salary of Wagner is $2.5 million dollars more than the entire production costs of developing the 1970 1/2 AMC Gremlin for example.

In Oregon's capitol city, Salem, Oregon, The American Nazi Party decided to make use of the "adopt a road" program to aid recruitment, and pledged to keep a highway clean of litter in exchange for a sign noting that they were the official patron's of that road. But last week, after failure to keep the road clean as promised, the state of Oregon removed the Nazi Party as the official patron's of the road.


In the most bizarre example of a state representative ever, 40 year old Kelley Wirth, the female legislator who had an alleged affair with a Oregon state capitol building janitor, who then sued Wirth for sexual harrassment, and was later run down by the jealous girlfriend of the janitor and nearly killed. Wirth was arrested a few days after her attempted murder for meth possession and forced to resign. But instead of resigning right away, she held onto the ofice for another month. Prior to resignation, Wirth dramaticly raised her mother's salary which she had put on a legislator expense payroll, but then finally backed down after public outrage. The latest word on the case, the janitor was paid a $27,0000 settlement because of Wirth abusing the power of her office to sexually harrass this state worker. You almost need a scorecard to keep track of this bizarre Jerry Springer soap opera.

Not too many legislators careers involve meth, attempted murder, placing family members on a payroll and dramaticly increasing their payrolls, having an affair with a capitol janitor and then being sued for sexual harrassment. But for sheer comedy value, Rep. Kelley Wirth will be missed.


It might seem that some Presidents were known for being less than honest. Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson are two of the most notable. But in reality, only George Bush was a convicted criminal. While in college he was arrested and convicted for theft as he stole a wreath from a hotel.


During the Katrina crisis, FEMA Director Michael Brown let it be known in an Email that he was "a fashion God". I'm sure those that lost homes or went days without food or vital services find that information reassuring. What disaster victim wouldn't want their FEMA director to be a "fashion God" and look smartly dressed.


There you have it kids, the first installment of Strange But True. All True, All Strange. Strange But True......

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