Senin, 05 Desember 2005

Little Known And Bizarre Military Intelligence Secrets

The recent revelation of the "Intelligence Operations" division of the U.S. military paying for favorable news in the Iraqi media of the American war effort in Iraq has highlighted yet another little known secret activity of military intelligence.

Military intelligence is involved in many little known and some very strange suspected areas of intelligence activity, study and weapons development.

One strange but little known program is the remote Predator drone aircraft program. From a military base in Nevada, these drone aircraft are operated by flight controllers and collect intelligence or even fire a small but deadly missile at important targets that U.S. forces cannot easily patrol. The explosion death of the number three Al Qaeda head may have been from one of these drone Predator crafts firing a missile. Using high speed satellite communications, these Predator drones patrol both Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as conduct intelligence activity in Iran, Syria and Western Pakistan where Al Qaeda training bases still exist from the 1980's when the Reagan Administration's CIA spent millions on a covert war to create an Mujaheeden insurgency to battle the Soviet invasion. Osama Bin Laden was recruited to train Islamic fighters to battle the secular Soviet backed puppet government in Afghanistan. These bases still remain today in rough and mountainous areas of Pakistan, and are patrolled by U.S. Predator drones for Al Qaeda activity. In Iraq, these drones can fire a missile at insurgent targets or prevent roadside bombs from being set up.

Other military intelligence using satellite technology, is the program to weaponize space. One project known as Rods From The Gods, fires cylinders from a satellite at a rate equal to a machine gun firing millions of rounds a minute. In one version, the cylinders would have almost a nuclear weapons type blast effect on earth targets. Other little known military intelligence projects involve weapons tests on experimental weapons that use light or sound as weapons.

Iran has great interest in satellites. A Russian built rocket has placed one Iranian satellite in orbit. However, Iran is working on it's own kerosine powered rocket to launch it's own satellites. Once this is perfected, Iran could target American targets for the future development of nuclear warheads which could be put into orbit to attack U.S. targets. Within two to five years, Iran may be capable of an attack by a small number of number of nuclear warheads against American targets.

During the Reagan Administration, and still currently continuing are efforts of military intelligence to develop missile defense systems. Since these violate existing antiballistic missile treaties, the Russian military has recently developed a hypersonic missile that is the world's fastest that cannot be shot down by the existing antimissile defenses. This is creating a new arms race of weapons that are not vulnerable to antimissile defenses.

But in the area of suspected intelligence operations come some of the most strange examples of military intelligence operations documented and known.

During the Vietnam War, young looking military intelligence officers were susposedly used to infiltrate high schools, colleges and antiwar organizations to collect intelligence on antiwar, antimilitary and other efforts that may have hurt support for the Vietnam War. Today, the antiwar efforts may be compromised by paid military infiltrations to disrupt these organizations to prevent the antiIraq War efforts from gaining much strength. The military may have found that internal sabotage of antiwar organizations is the most effective way to combat efforts that could hurt prowar efforts by the military.

But a far stranger form of military intelligence involves the use of strange psychic phenomenon such as Remote Viewing. Under the directorship of Gen. Stubblebine and Gen. Dozier, a program known as Stargate involved research by Dr. David Morehouse, a highly decorated U.S. Army Special Operations officer to study psychic efforts to use Remote Viewing to visualize first Soviet military operations. Today some organizations such as PSI Tech have 14 members who use this psychic phenomenon to study terrorists and possible terrorist attacks.

The Soviets have spent even more time and effort on Remote Viewing and other strange psychic phenomenon for military intelligence research purposes. In one claimed secret study, a Soviet university professor could conjure up a fist in his mind and smash a sheet metal plate leaving a giant fist imprint on it. In other research, Kirlian photography was used in research by Soviet Dr. Mikhail Gaiken to illustrate 700 rays of energy that seem to come the acupuncture points in the body that Chinese medicine has long documented. Other Soviet efforts involved the use of Pavlitan generators to store or use psychic energy for unbelievably strange experiments. Named after the Czech inventor, the Pavlitan generators were purportedly able to use psychic enrgy to instant strike flies dead, cause plants to grow at astonishing rates or to clean up pollution from dirty water. In 20 highly secretive Soviet military intelligence sites, KGB head, Yuri Andropov spent 500 million rubles on psychic research on weapons applications. In some telepathy experiments, subjests in a hypnotic trance could be awakened by remote telepathy hundreds of miles away. And other other effors to use telepathy as a weapon had some astonishing results that have been reported since the fall of the Iron Curtain.

But by far, the most strange military intelligence exists in area of UFO research by both the U.S. and the former Soviet Union. While the U.S. is known to have a highly secretive military intelligence research site in the area in which the claimed Area 51 UFO crash occured, far more bizarre Soviet efforts to research UFO s exist since the days of Josef Stalin. Stalin authorized a bizarre plan to shoot down UFOS to conduct research into their propulsion and weapons systems to develop the world's most advanced weapons. There are documented U.S. spy plane photos of Soviet military sites solely intended to study UFOs. And at least one highly respected Soviet Cosmonaut has claimed that Soviet MIG fighter planes have challenged UFOs to shoot them down for weapons research purposes. In one instance, a Soviet MIG jet was shot by a light ray that caused it to glow for nearly two weeks until the glow slowly disappeared. In a Soviet aircraft hangar, no good explanation could be found for this strange glow.

But in the weirdest case, in September 1989, it was claimed that in the Russian city of Voronezh, a UFO landed in downtown Zavodsk Square in the daylight, and several ten foot humanoids left the craft along with some four foot robots. At the same exact time in Hungary, another craft landed at an airbase and the robots fored ray guns at MIG aircrafts and when the 10 foot humanoids were fired at by airbase guards they avoided death by disappearing. It is claimed that hundreds of witnesses exist to these events, which to say the least are extremely strange. But in other cases, 300 to 900 foot UFOs have claimed to have been witnessed by many in the former Iron Curtain states, far more than here in the U.S. In the U.S. only former President Jimmy Carter has claimed to have seen a UFO, with Ronald Reagan a stronger believer in their existence. But George Bush, a former CIA director was noted for strong efforts to classify as much information as possible about UFO sightings or research by the U.S. military.

How much of some of the more strange events are true or not is certainly open to debate. But the fact is clear, there is some highly unusual activity that military intelligence of nations is responsible for, so any new revelations of military intelligence that is unusual should not really be all that surprising to an open mind.

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