A broad coalition of members in Congress finally jumped on board the common sense train this week, and helped to sink the DP World port deal for good.
In Canada, just by chance a terrorist was discovered who set up an apartment inside a ship container with food and other arrangements to last a month, as a way of sneaking past U.S. or Canadian security. And with only 1% of shipping containers subject to inspection, the U.S. port security situation remains the weakest link of homeland security. The American public was right to lead such a common sense revolt.
It is also hoped that this revolt will spur tighter security efforts at our ports as well as to limit the sale of vital security sensitive American infrastructure to foreign interests, where somewhere along the line something could go wrong with security and put America at risk.
Supporters of the DP World deal attempted to falsely tar and feather those who opposed the deal as somewhow being "bigots" or anti-Middle Eastern. But this is nonsense, as most Americans recognize that the U.S. has some very good friends in the MidEast. The problem was allowing the sale of vital infrastructure to a foreign interest where something could compromise security in some foreign port and bring a threat to our land.
Wisdom tells the rational person you attempt to avoid an accident or a potential problem. Wisdom finally prevailed in the failure of the DP World ports deal and American port security and homeland security are the big winners.
The voice of the American people moved a bipartisan majority in Congress to common sense. V for victory!
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