I like to avoid personal items here and be able to stick to vital commentary on issues, culture and entertainment features, but I've been having some serious health issues for about six weeks now. Without any established team of co-writers, it makes it very hard to post features when I'm simply too ill and tied down with medical appointments. I'm certainly very open to anyone who shares the progressive ideology of this website, and certainly does not to have to agree with me on every item to also post features here.
This is your opportunity to offer more posts on this website without all the work of having to build your own website, and help to grow the viewership.
Email me at radiotvpartz@juno.com if you're interested in joining Progressive Values. Even some guest with opinions far different than my own will be welcome as well. Writers with interests in politics, religion, culture, books, movies, TV, etc. are needed. This can become a great community with more writers. Give it a try.
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