Sabtu, 11 Februari 2006

Another Ann Coulter Classic

Ann Coulter, the sharp tongued advocate of brainless conservatism offered a few new irresponsible thoughts at a speech the other night. Among her new gems was a call for NATO to bomb Syria because of the radical Muslim violence that took place at the Danish Embassy building, calling Republicans "Washington Weenies", because some have failed to act even more far out and right wing irresponsible advocates for big business and corporate lobby efforts. Coulter claimed that Republicans keep running from conservative ideas and judges.

But wasn't it right wing thuggery that took down the Harriet Miers nomination and forced the far right Alito nomination on the nation, wanted to politicize the Supreme Court. Miers may not have been the best choice, but certainly deserved the opportunity to make her case before the Senate and either be approved or rejected.

And as far as conservative ideas, it is difficult to find any goofy piece of far right legislation that has failed to make it through Congress or to be signed by Bush.

More and more the American public is turning a critical eye on this culture of corruption in Washington, constantly rewarding the efforts of the 16,000 lobbyists who swoop like vultures on the U.S. Capitol. Yet the new Republican leader in the House who replaced Tom Delay is making more and more kind and appreciative statements about lobbyists, and his sun-tanned appearance from many golf days spent with lobbyist pals are further proof of his fondness for their efforts to twist government to their interests, often at the expense of the larger public good.

Ann Coulter may certainly see things differently. But the problem is that many Republicans have simply gone too far in Washington and many proved that they cannot be moderate party of government. And going too far is something that Coulter seems to seldom avoid whenever she offers comments.

In Oregon, some Republican Senators such as Mark Hatfield and Bob Packwood made a good name for themselves(before the later scandal of Packwood) by acting as moderates and securing major funding for worthwhile projects for Oregon. Senator Gordon Smith and former Congressman Wendall Wyatt often have offered a similar moderate and responsible role for Republican legislators. The siren's call of Ann Coulter for Republicans to behave more far right and more ideological is hardly a constructive notion, either for Republican legislators or for the well being of the nation.

But other statements of Coulter at this speech given before the right wing CPAC organization were even more disturbing and irresponsible. Calling Muslims "ragheads" in a blatantly racist comment and encouraging that they should be informed that the Prophet Muhammad is depicted on the Supreme Court walls in order that they burn the building down is simply outrageous and crazy loose talk. Another comment suggesting that moderate Republican Supreme Court Justice, John Paul Stevens should be poisoned to make way for another hard right Supreme Court choice was simply awful and rates with the crazy talk of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejah of Iran in the psychotic department. And some comments on slavery and the Republican Party weren't very good either.

The racist and irresponsible comments of Coulter are not ideas that should be embraced by anyone. Why a right wing organization like CPAC would even pay for such crazy talk is a very bad reflection on this organization.

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