Kamis, 23 Februari 2006

Iraq Edges Closer To Civil War

With growing mutual violence growing in Iraq ignited by the terrorist attack on the golden domed Shiite Mosque, Iraq is entering a critical phase of breaking down into outright anarchy and civil war.

This will only serve to strengthen the debate in the U.S. about U.S. involvement and will strengthen both the arguments of those who argue that U.S. peacekeeping efforts are more vital than ever as well those who favor a U.S. withdrawal, by claiming that the situation is no longer manageable or salvageable for the U.S.

Both arguments are now stronger. On one hand Iraq seems hopeless, and U.S. soldiers are only likely to become victims in a nasty crossfire of sectarian violence, on the other hand efforts to prevent ethinic violence, restore order and attempt to salvage the nation are also of vital importance. A policeman never walks away from an area simply because crime or violence exists, they attempt to restore order. The U.S. seems forced into this difficult role ethically, although the prospects for a stable Iraq are far less likely than ever.

For whatever poor reasons that the U.S. entered Iraq, and for whatever destabilization and harm that we've done to the region, there still seems to be a moral obligation of the U.S. to prevent more violence and killing.

The mutual destruction of so many houses of worship, and the senseless murder of a popular female journalist and her newscrew only beg for both the U.S. and international community to work hard to restore some semblence of order to Iraq.

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