Minggu, 30 April 2006

Anna Svidersky Memorial Events Raise Over $85,000

In an amazing show of support for the family of the 17 year old Russian immigrant girl who was murdered while working at a Vancouver, Washington area McDonald's, a fundraiser brought in $85,000 for the family of Anna Svidersky, far more than the hoped for $40,000.

And a alternative music concert staged last night may have brought in another $2,000. Anna was a huge music fan. And her friend's very fondly remember her often using the slang expression, "dude", when she spoke. Her life offered so much promise and she was so well loved by so many friends. It was indeed one of the saddest events to hit her high school ever. The senior would have turned 18 last week.

The brutal and senseless kitchen butcher knife stabbing death murder of this young immigrant who who gave up cheerleading and other after school activities to take up a second job to help support her family by paranoid schizophrenic registered sex offender,David Sullivan, a 28 year old, supposedly under the close supervision of his parents, really touched the Vancouver area community.

The senseless murder also brought together many immigrants both from the Russian and Hispanic communities in support, as well as others from the Vancouver community in a strong show of support that counters some of the publicy that the antiimmigrant far right has recently managed to get from the MSM. It is further proof that the overwelmimg majority of immigrants to the U.S. are decent and hardworking persons who are a great asset to this country.

On her MySpace Blog, Anna considered Jesus to be her "hero. While Sullivan was charged with premeditated murder as he claimed he planned to murder a "female" under police questioning. For Sullivan it represented the classical sort of hate crime that paranoid schizophenics often commit where they create an enemy of some group of persons and often act violently. Sullivan also claimed that maybe he should have stayed home with his "stuffed animals" and that he did a "evil" thing. Indeed you did a "evil" thing Mr. Sullivan.

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