The National Geographic Society, normally a very fine source of history, presents an old third cenury, but obviously only a work of the Gnostic religious sect as equal in worth to legitimate books of the Bible. Unfortunately the National Geographic Society claims this document to be authentic, but that is not to say that it is not part of the later writings of a sect with their own views of faith that hardly coincide with the geniune works of the Bible which were all God inspired writings and in agreement with one another. Like other claimed "lost books" of the Bible, there are real problems with these "lost books" of the Bible not in agreement with the other Scriptures, written years later by some sect out to promote a particular form of worship of belief, or to undermine the standing of Jesus as the son of God.
For one thing this third century document was not written in either Hebrew or Greek like the other legitimate books of the Holy Bible. It was written in a third language. And it the Gospel of Judas appears to be part of some unusual Gnostic sect attempt to present Judas not as someone whose heart was always in the wrong place, but set up an unusual belief in his "goodness".
The bitter heart of Judas Iscariot was no better illustrated than in John 12:3, when at Bethany, Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus, put expensive oil fragrance on the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her very own hair as an act of deep faith and humility to the son of God, and Judas bitterly complained, "Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor?". There was not an ounce of concern for the poor in the heart of Judas Iscariot. His heart contained no sense of genuine humility towards Jesus. Judas was always a man with a very bad heart and a total lack of faith towards Jesus.
And rather than being any man of faith able to write a God inspired book of the Holy Bible like others such as Paul had done, Judas resented the faith he saw in others. He despised the faith of Mary towards Jesus, and wasn't moved by it.
But the third century Gnostic sect would have the world believe according to their writings in the "Gospel of Judas" that somehow Judas was a faithful man, who Jesus somehow asked to sell him out the Roman soldiers and high priests who hated him to serve his rescue mission for mankind as our savior.
From the example in John 12:3 there is absolutely no evidence of Judas being a faithful servant of any sort. Being in company of Jesus was like any other job to any employer. Judas was the type of "employee" that you would expect to steal from their boss. He displayed the same sort of heart that did not admire Jesus, or even those who displayed great faith towards Jesus. Even first hand evidence of the great miracles that occured when Jesus called on his father in faith were not enough to move the heart of Judas.
Judas was an evil man, with no real faith, and only felt a littele guilt at betraying the holy son of God enough to take his own life in a final state of dispair. Maybe this rates as an act of sorrow for his great sin. But other than that little positive can ever be said about Judas Iscariot.
The National Geographic Society should not make too much of an old third century Gnostic sect document with little real significance to the real works of the Holy Bible. Even in the days of Paul, he wrote letters to the Christian churches which were mostly moltivated by their own wrongful ways of worship and drifting far from a geniune Christian faith. Only two off these Christian churches remained on a healthy path of true Christian worship, the others were Christian in name only, and spiritually empty. Likewise the Gnostic sect preached a "gospel" of their own making, but certainly not the Christian "Gospel". In no way should the National Geographic Society make too much of one of these post Christian-era religious sects with little real faith in the geniune Christian faith.
Indeed the path to God is indeed narrow, and wrongful paths to God very wide, as the wide MSM acceptance of this third century Gnostic sect document as some sort of geniune Christian document of faith well proves.
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