On Friday, it was disclosed by both Ford and GM, that both companies are in negotiation with Chinese automobile and parts manufacturers to purchase both closing and closed plants owned by the former American automobile giants. This would give Chinese automobile companies a major advantage to leap into competition with what is left of the dying American automobile industry.
There is not a clear guarantee that would keep many jobs in the U.S., as a Chinese company purchased the defunct British company MG, but did move the manufacturing to the U.S. at wages far below the $62 or more that some some highly professional workers at Ford and GM may earn. Workers could earn as little as $5.15 an hour in Chinese owned companies, with no clear retirement or health care benefits offered.
Given this weeks' bad news of the sale of Hoover Vacuum Cleaners to a Chinese company, Techtronic, and the increases in production of Goodyear Tires, it is yet another huge hit to a declining American manufacturing base, and a clear sign of the powerful growth of Chinese industry. It also speaks volumes about union-busting in America as high paying American manufacturing jobs are becoming a relic of the past just like the Model T.
No archaelogist have ever unearthed a society unable to produce it's own pottery that has ever survived. Even the most backward of world civilizations has been able to manufacture the basic goods it needed to survive. The inability of American society to manufacture and produce it's own basic goods is a clear sign of a society undergoing a deep and severe social regression. You might try clicking the U.S. Army ad that often runs over on my ads column for an employment opportunity.
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