Selasa, 05 Desember 2006

Goodyear Tires Moving More Production To China With 42Cents An Hour Labor

Goodyear Tires, the mainstay of tires for both Nascar and NHRA racing is moving more and more of it's production to China with 42cents an hour labor unfairly competing against American labor union, Steelworkers Union members. Currently many Goodyear union members are on strike, replaced by nonunion workers while more production is being sent to China. It seems to be a major union busting effort.

Goodyear claims this has moved the company towards better profitablity, however it is just another trend more high paying union jobs flowing from the U.S. Yet the all-American reputation of some sports such as NASCAR, seems at stake when so many low wage imports begin to replace former American made goods.

One hand, countries like China have greatly improved their economy by economic coups such as getting big contracts to produce formerly American made goods. On the other hand, it is only another squeeze on America's declining middle class, as the country becomes more polarized into a large pocket of working poor and a small wealthy class.

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