Whenever the Iraq War and all of it's bad repercussions are settled, there should be a few important learned lessons that should apply to all foreign policy for all future presidents.
During the Cold War, the U.S. did not like the government of the Soviet Union, yet effectively engaged this government in many ways including diplomatic. When nations at least talk, it tends to often soften hard feelings and may result in better security benefits for the public of both nations, perhaps even a genuine peace dividend at best.
After Iraq illegally invaded Kuwait in 1990, there was near universal world condemnation for this invasion. Countries like Saudi Arabia also even helped to pay the U.S. costs for this war. There needed to be a better peace agreement at the end of this war in 1991 that brought Saddam Hussein to arrest and international trial by world courts for this illegal invasion of Kuwait and other international crimes. His government leadership responsible for this war should also have been brought down at this time as well. This could have been the golden opportunity for the seeds of a new Iraqi Government and society to begin. Instead the second George Bush waits 12 years, with almost no international support this time around, restarts the 12 yearold Gulf War with Saddam Hussein to achieve what the 1991 peace terms did not. And now the country of Iraq is an unstable mess, threatening regional security.
Three lessons for all American presidents to post on the wall: #1.Talk to adversary nations. #2. End all wars with acceptable peace terms. #3.Don't restart old wars if you failed to properly conclude the matter in the first place. There you go, three simple ways to avoid some serious foreign policy problems. Three simple lessons not learned by the current administration.
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